About Us
Winters Past is funded by Invoking the Pause, an environmental small grants program designed to advance public awareness and engagement about climate change issues.
Press / Praise
"Audio Project 'Winters Past' Combines Soundwalks and Narratives to Consider the Changing Seasons" - SciArt in America
"Winters Past: Stories of a Changing Alaska" - 350.org
"Audio Portraits of Alaskan Winters" - Climate Access
"Team Documents Elders' Memories of Colder Winters" - KYUK
"A Foot of Ice on the Hudson? It's a Good Time to Go Ice Yachting" - WNYC
"Blast from the past: Audio project reminds us that times, and temps, are changing" - Grist
"Snowbirds" - The Recollective
"Winters Past" - Vassar alumnae news
Staff Pick, Third Coast International Radio Festival
Favorite Podcasts, Radio Diaries