Everywhere: The Pond
Ice skating at Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C., January 1922. Harris & Ewing Collection (Library of Congress)
This walk is meant to be heard at a pond, or a lake, or a skating rink. Go anywhere where there’s some fresh water and a little bit of space to walk.
Download below and go outside. (Or, if you can't get away, you can listen directly from the site.) Once you're done, let us know what you discovered.
Music Credits
"John Stockton Slow Drag" by Chris Zabriskie. From the album Undercover Vampire Policeman.
"Cylinder Six" by Chris Zabriskie. From the album Cylinders.
"Salted Caramel" by Black Twig Pickers and Steve Gunn. From the album NATCH 1.
"Wild Horse of Stony Point" by Black Twig Pickers. From the album A Valentine for Jack Rose.
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This soundwalk is to be used only with the express understanding that the makers, producers,
and owners of this walk cannot be held legally liable for any injury, accident, arrest
or other damage suffered by a user.